Toddlers Christmas Guide
Since having my Son 4 years ago I have searched high and low each season for the "best" gifts to get my littles for Christmas. Some have been complete flops and some have been surprisingly perfect. But each kid is different and what has worked for others has not necessarily worked for my littles.
Here are some of the toys that have worked out well as well as some of the things that we have on our Wishlist for this year!
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Stocking Stuffers
Though these make great stocking stuffers, its a great reminder that you don't have to spend a ton of money on expensive gifts for your kids to love them. Most kids love getting anything as long as its wrapped! These are great and you'll see your littles face light up.
These are a favorite with my littles, particularly my son. They love these because of the poppers on it!
2. Pop its
Such a fun little toy, I even find myself mindlessly playing with it sometimes.
4. Play-Doh
Gifts for Active Toddlers
If your littles are anything like mine then these gifts are perfect. My son in particular is a super active little boy and finding ways to wear out that energy before bedtime can sometimes be tricky, but these have been so great in trying to get some of that energy out.
Overall Toddler Gift Guide
Recently I have really tried to be intentional with my gifts. Like I mentioned before have purchased many gifts that I thought they would love and they really didn't play with much. So I put a lot of thought and effort into all of these and they have loved all of them so far!
1. Kids Camera
14. Wooden Train Set
I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it.